Kamis, 27 Maret 2014
Shopping Girl Fashion
Posted on 12.15 by asimp
Selasa, 25 Maret 2014
Xbox 360 Advertising Campaign and new PS3 Model
Posted on 11.00 by asimp
Wow, second post of today! Saw this picture and laughed:
That is good PR. Also, Sony have announced an Elite version of the PS3 that will come with an 80gb HDD, further details yet to be announced. Has the world forgotten the Wii, Microsoft are going at Sony, and Sony at Microsoft, but the Wii is just staying out of it. It is because they dont have HD and arent even bothered. An example of this confilct is a letter Sony sent to PS3 owners:
"We think every PlayStation 3 owner should have an elite experience, which is why we include an internal hard drive and HDMI output in every PS3 we sell, along with the 50 GB of storage capacity on a high definition Blu-ray disc. Sony has been the strongest advocate of high definition as the future of next-generation gaming. This requires high-definition components, including HDMI output, and large storage devices to deliver and store all that rich and vivid HD content. Microsofts announcement today not only legitimizes Sonys PS3 strategy, it moves us closer to adopting universal standards in the area of high definition gaming that will benefit game developers and ultimately the end user."
Maybe they will destroy each other and then every game developer will have to develop for Wii.
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"We think every PlayStation 3 owner should have an elite experience, which is why we include an internal hard drive and HDMI output in every PS3 we sell, along with the 50 GB of storage capacity on a high definition Blu-ray disc. Sony has been the strongest advocate of high definition as the future of next-generation gaming. This requires high-definition components, including HDMI output, and large storage devices to deliver and store all that rich and vivid HD content. Microsofts announcement today not only legitimizes Sonys PS3 strategy, it moves us closer to adopting universal standards in the area of high definition gaming that will benefit game developers and ultimately the end user."
Maybe they will destroy each other and then every game developer will have to develop for Wii.
Minggu, 23 Maret 2014
Fast man Hungry City
Posted on 09.45 by asimp
Rabu, 19 Maret 2014
Senin, 17 Maret 2014
Robot Damashii Side MS Crossbone Gundam X 1 Full Cloth On Display Images Updated 3 1 14
Posted on 04.15 by asimp
Robot Damashii (Side MS) Crossbone Gundam X-1 Full Cloth (Release Date: May 2014, Price: 5,900 Yen)
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[Updated 3/1/14]
[Updated 2/23/14]
[Updated 2/22/14]
[Updated 2/15/14
]View official images: HERE
Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014
Jumat, 14 Maret 2014
UCL PSG and Barcelona secure away victories
Posted on 07.00 by asimp
Barcelona and Paris St Germain claimed impressive victories at Manchester City and Bayer Leverkusen respectively in the first legs of their Champions Leaguelast 16 ties on Tuesday.
Spanish champions Barca beat 10-man City 2-0 at the Etihad Stadium, while PSG cruised to a 4-0 win against a stunned Bayer Leverkusen side who also had a player sent off.
Lionel Messi converted a 54th minute penalty to put Barcelona 1-0 up after City defender Martin Demichelis was sent off for a last-man tackle on the Argentine.
Barca defender Dani Alves then wrapped up the win by sliding the ball through goalkeeper Joe Harts legs in the 90th.
At the Bayer Arena, PSG were barely troubled by a disappointing Leverkusen, romping to a three-goal halftime lead with striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic scoring twice.
Blaise Matuidi opened the scoring in the third minute, but it was Ibrahimovic who stole the show with a penalty in the 39th minute and a superb shot into the top corner before the break.
Bayer defender Emir Spahic was dismissed just before the hour mark after picking up a second yellow card and PSGs latest recruit Yohan Cabaye rounded off the victory in the 88th minute.
Kamis, 13 Maret 2014
Tutorial client server using Visual Basic
Posted on 11.15 by asimp
Tutorial client server using Visual Basic
Client/Server in VB.NET
This is a tutorial for beginner or intermediate programmers. This will show you how communication between two computers works using a client server scheme. With Visual Basic as a programming language, you will be able to get the few concept of a classic TCP/IP data communication.
There are many samples on the internet. Some are written in Java or C++. Some applies for mobiles phones and other uses older technologies such as Winsock. In all case, I wasn’t satisfied because they are either to complex or incomplete.
This tutorial will be only a beginning for those who want to start to do a client server application using Visual Studio: Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET), C# .NET . This tutorial will contain many samples and many references to help learn the main concept of a client server application for Windows. I will slowly illustrate very small code and tiny code sample in the first pages of this article. I will eventually end up with a more complete program if I have the time.
Also, keep in mind that is impossible to know everything on any client server application, TCP/IP protocol and all the other stuff related to communications between 2 electronic devices. In April 3rd 1973, 40 years ago, Motorola created their first cell phone.
Reference :
Lesson ONE : The data exchange.
Ok! This part is boring but I won’t stress it too much. Keep in mind that computer send and received bytes. A byte is equal to 8 bits. Each byte represents a letter or a number.
Example : the letter “A” (upper case) in binary 8 bits is = 01000001
So if you need to send a word such as “APPLE”, you will need to send 5 bytes because your word as 5 letters : A, P, P, L and E.
That is all you need to know for now.
Lesson TWO : Send large amount of Data.
Any digital device can’t send data like water in a pipe. Sending data is more like putting people in a train. You fill the train and when the train is full or ready to go, the train leaves and you have to wait for the next one.
Sending data over the internet or over any communication line work the same way than sending people from one place to another. It is a kind of stop and go process.
Your program written in Visual Basic or any other language will generate data or process information. When your program will be ready to send the data over the internet trough your modem, you ether card or your Wi-Fi antenna, your program will have to slice the data and put then into something call a SOCKET.
A socket is a vehicle with a limited amount of space to put your data.
The only thing you need to remember is the data is cut into smaller group of data. Any computer will have to chew the data before processing new data. I used the term SOCKET but other terms may exist.
You could type in Google the word Socket. Here are ideas or keywords:
+Socket microprocessor
+Trunk communications
+Communications buffer
That is all you need to know.
Lesson THREE : Establishing a connection
When you wish to reach someone by phone, you need to dial a phone number. Something like 1-234-5678 to reach someone in the United States or in Canada. After you dial the number, the phone will ring and the person you wish to speak with will pick up the phone.
It work the same way for 2 computers (Client and Server). When you computer need to connect to a server, it will use a protocol named TCP/IP. To establish a connection, the TCP/IP will need these two information: an IP address and a port number
To make this very simple: the IP address will guide your transmission to the right server and the port number will designate the right program running on your server.
Port numbers are normalized to make thing easier.
For example, your computer needs to connect to a web site. Your computer will normally use the port 80.
In Microsoft Visual Basic or in Microsoft C#, you could start building your own little server with this code (server side):
Imports System.Net for IPAddress Imports System.Net.Sockets for TcpListener Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim port As Integer this is the port number Dim localAddr As IPAddress this is the IP address Dim server As TcpListener This is for the TCP/IP Protocol Try define the two values for your Server port = 1234 localAddr = IPAddress.Loopback loopbak = = myself Create your server server = New TcpListener(localAddr, port) make your server available server.Start() Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub End Module |
The code is extremely simple because using an IPAddress, a port; you could create your own TCP protocol. But this code does nothing. Is like simply connecting your telephone in the wall. But this is a beginning.
On the client side, I almost copy pasted the server code because is really almost the same. I simply changed a few words and added a command line to stop the client program from continuing.
Imports System.Net for IPAddress Imports System.Net.Sockets for TcpListener Module Module1 <summary> CLIENT </summary> <remarks></remarks> Sub Main() Dim aString As String Dim port As Integer this is the port number Dim localAddr As IPAddress this is the IP address Dim client As TcpClient This is for the TCP/IP Protocol Try define the two values for your Server port = 1234 localAddr = IPAddress.Loopback loopbak = = myself Do Console.Write("are you ready to connect to your server? (y/n)") aString = Console.ReadLine() Loop Until aString = "y" Or aString = "n" If aString = "y" Then Create a TcpClient. client = New TcpClient(localAddr.ToString, port) End If Do Console.Write("Connected to the server. Ready to quit? (y/n)") aString = Console.ReadLine() Loop Until aString = "y" Or aString = "n" Catch ex As Exception End Try End Sub End Module |
That is all you need to know for now.
In the next lesson, we will continue with the Accept function. Your server needs to accept the client. In other words, if you call someone by telephone, if the person you wish to speak with you doesn’t want to speak with you, you will be doomed!
Project to download: SampleCLientServer.zip
Example from MSDN
TCP Listener from MSDN
Sockets from MSDN
Sample from MSDN
my web site: Check Technologies official website
The program I love to use, buy it: Visual Studio 2010 Professional (Old Version)
SQL Server Developer Edition 2012
Rabu, 12 Maret 2014
1 144 GTX X252R Rot Forbidden Gundam Custom Build
Posted on 16.16 by asimp
1/144 GTX-X252R Rot Forbidden Gundam - Custom Build
HG 1/144 GAT-X252 Forbidden Gundam conversion
Modeled by Seira Masuo
Selasa, 11 Maret 2014
Will Obamacare Increase Health Insurance Coverage Or Decrease It
Posted on 21.00 by asimp
It is actually a quite legitimate question. Shockingly enough, this report comes not from some right-wing crackpot group, but from December 29, 2013 NBC News. What is described as "one of the 100 best car dealerships to work for in the country last year" is dropping its group health insurance for employees. Instead it:
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will instead provide its employees with $2,400 apiece to buy their own insurance, or to pocket and pay the new federal penalty if they elect to go without it.
That’s a little bit more than the company says it spent on health insurance this year. Dealership owner Wesley Lutz said his decision to go in a new direction was driven by the fact that health insurance is “incredibly expensive” and getting more so. He says he needs to be able to control his future costs.
“As a business owner, we have to be viable first and then provide services,” he said. Lutz is not required to provide health insurance to workers, but has done so for 35 years.Wow. One of the good guys in business -- a firm that has been providing group health insurance to most of its employees for 35 years, is dropping the plan. And yes, it is good of them to provide $2400 per year to the employees to assist them in purchasing insurance, but this is less than the cost of buying it through the exchanges for most employees:
A handful of the Extreme Dodge workers came out winners -- mostly low-wage earners who qualify for subsidies and therefore pay very little for insurance. The biggest winner is Brandon Chisholm, a detailer with two daughters, who will get health insurance for the first time, and will have to pay virtually nothing for it because he qualifies for a big government subsidy. That means he can bank the $200 a month the company is giving workers to replace the health insurance it previously provided.It turns out that the deductibles for the plan that most of the employees are signing up for -- which is more than $2400 per year -- are very high:
Their deductibles will go from $1,125 this year to $3,000 next year, and maximum out-of-pocket costs jump from $2,250 to $6,350. And for families, those numbers double: to a $6,000 deductible and $12,700 out-of-pocket maximum.
“How is this helping the average American that’s working 40 to 50 hours per week?” said Terry Hardcastle, a salesperson. “How are we supposed to live?”You arent. Obama and the Democrats are relying on the voters who think Kim Kardashian is important.
MG 1 100 Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 Phenex Preview Build Images
Posted on 00.00 by asimp
MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 "Phenex" (Release Date: Feb 2014, Price: 12,600 Yen)
Images via YellowSub Blog
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Images via YellowSub Blog
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