Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Cleaning the Water Dispenser

Most of the times, the most rewarding DIY projects are the simple ones. Doing easy chores like cleaning the bathroom or waxing and buffing the floor are things that your loved ones will surely appreciate.  Today’s project is one of those things – what I’m going to do is something very simple but most of us are too lazy to do. 

Water dispensers are common in households nowadays. When we were young, we get cold drinking water from the fridge (am I old or what?). We have pitchers (and used coke bottles) filled with “purified” tap water. Getting clean drinking water was as easy as installing one of those cheap filters and voila! – potable water for everyone. Anyways, a couple of weeks ago, I felt the urge to clean our water dispenser. It was a good thing that I did because you’d be surprised that however purified the water might be, the dispenser still needed cleaning.

IMPORTANT: Unplug the dispenser before you start cleaning it. There is the risk of electric shock! :)

Remove the top part – where the water gallon is inverted – by turning it counter clockwise (your model might be different but most of the dispensers I saw are like this)

Here’s how it look like removed from the main dispenser.

Unscrew the bottom screw head looking thing to disassemble the “top part”

Carefully disassemble everything that can be taken apart. It was shocking to see that most of the parts are covered with a thin and light moss like film (yuck!). I was wondering why purified water is like that – we’ve changed water suppliers several times already and they are all the same. TIP: Because of this – it is advisable to clean your dispenser once a month to be sure :)  

Use soap and water to clean everything – make sure to wash everything thoroughly and leave no soap suds behind. We don’t want to drink water that tastes like soap right?

Back to our dispenser – unscrew the white thing you see here – clean it as well.

I wiped the insides of the dispenser with some clean paper towels – did not use soap here as it will be difficult to rinse.

Put the “top part” back together. The notches (circled in red) locks on to the dispenser.

Here’s where the notches go.

Everything is in place again – wiped the dispenser’s body – looks brand new!

All done – this DIY took me around 20 minutes.

1.      1. The assurance that the water we’re drinking is as clean as it can be
2.       2. The amazement in my parents’ faces when they saw that the dispenser was clean and was like new :)


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