$ mvn vaadin:help -Ddetail=true
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building vangkiem 1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.1.8:help (default-cli) @ vangkiem ---
[INFO] com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.1.8
Vaadin Plug-in for Maven
Maven plugin for Vaadin.
This plugin has 22 goals:
(no description available)
Available parameters:
browser (Default: C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe)
Path to the browser executable.
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
server (Default: ie)
Name of the BrowserManagerServer to lauch (typically, ie8)
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Cleanup the webapp directory for GWT module compilation output
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Invokes the GWTCompiler for the project source. See compiler options :
Available parameters:
compileReport (Default: false)
add -compileReport parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.compileReport=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.compileReport}
compilerMetrics (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XcompilerMetrics parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.compilerMetrics}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
disableAggressiveOptimization (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XdisableAggressiveOptimization parameter to the
compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.disableAggressiveOptimization}
disableCastChecking (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableCastChecking=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableCastChecking}
disableClassMetadata (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableClassMetadata=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableClassMetadata}
disableRunAsync (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables code-splitting.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableRunAsync=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableRunAsync}
draftCompile (Default: false)
Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.draftCompile=true.
This is equivalent to -Dgwt.compiler.optimizationLevel=0
Expression: ${gwt.draftCompile}
enableAssertions (Default: false)
Whether or not to enable assertions in generated scripts (-ea).
enableClosureCompiler (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XenableClosureCompiler parameter to the compiler
command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.enableClosureCompiler}
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
extraParam (Default: false)
add -extra parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraParam=true.
Expression: ${gwt.extraParam}
force (Default: false)
Dont try to detect if GWT compilation is up-to-date and can be skipped.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.force=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.force}
fragmentCount (Default: -1)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XfragmentCount parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using -Dgwt.compiler.fragmentCount=n
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.fragmentCount}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
On GWT 1.6+, number of parallel processes used to compile GWT
premutations. Defaults to platform available processors number.
Can be unset from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=n.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.localWorkers}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
optimizationLevel (Default: -1)
add -optimize parameter to the compiler command line the value must be
between 0 and 9 by default -1 so no arg to the compiler
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.optimizationLevel=n.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.optimizationLevel}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.skip}
soycDetailed (Default: false)
add -XsoycDetailed parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.soycDetailed=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.soycDetailed}
strict (Default: false)
add -strict parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.strict=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.strict}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
treeLogger (Default: false)
Logs output in a graphical tree view.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.treeLogger=true.
Expression: ${gwt.treeLogger}
validateOnly (Default: false)
Validate all source code, but do not compile.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.validateOnly=true.
Expression: ${gwt.validateOnly}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
The temp directory is used for temporary compiled files (defaults is
system temp directory).
Available parameters:
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
outputDirectory (Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory})
The output directory for the report. Note that this parameter is only
evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line. If the goal
is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory
configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Required: Yes
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.compilerReport.skip}
Updates Vaadin themes based on addons containing themes on the classpath.
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single theme. Option to specify a single module from command line
Expression: ${vaadin.theme}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Creates CSS interfaces for css files. Will use the utility tool provided in
gwt sdk which create a corresponding Java interface for accessing the
classnames used in the file.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Shortcut for a single cssFile
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate CSS interfaces.
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Extends the gwt goal and runs the project in the GWT Hosted mode with a
debugger port hook (optionally suspended).
Available parameters:
appEngineArtifactId (Default: appengine-java-sdk)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineArtifactId}
appEngineGroupId (Default: com.google.appengine)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineGroupId}
appEngineHome (Default: ${project.build.directory}/appengine-sdk/)
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineHome}
appEngineVersion (Default: 1.3.8)
set the appengine sdk to use
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineVersion}
attachDebugger (Default: false)
Attach to the debugger application at the specified debugPort.
Expression: ${attachDebugger}
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Source Tomcat context.xml for GWT shell - copied to
/gwt/localhost/ROOT.xml (used as the context.xml for the SHELL - requires
Tomcat 5.0.x format - hence no default).
copyWebapp (Default: false)
Copies the contents of warSourceDirectory to hostedWebapp.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.copyWebapp=...
Expression: ${gwt.copyWebapp}
debugPort (Default: 8000)
Port to listen for debugger connection on.
Expression: ${gwt.debugPort}
debugSuspend (Default: true)
Whether or not to suspend execution until a debugger connects.
Expression: ${gwt.debugSuspend}
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
The MavenProject executed by the compile phase
Expression: ${executedProject}
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noServer (Default: false)
Prevents the embedded GWT Tomcat server from running (even if a port is
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.noserver=...
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
port (Default: 8888)
Runs the embedded GWT server on the specified port.
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode
URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell. For example
When the host page is outside the module public folder (for example, at
webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single in
configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter
can only contain the host page URI.
When the GWT module host page is part of the module public folder, the
runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path
(com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted
according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${runTarget}
Forked process execution timeOut (in seconds). Primary used for
Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement
Expression: ${gwt.server}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
List of System properties to pass when running the hosted mode.
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
tomcat (Default: ${project.build.directory}/tomcat)
Specify the location on the filesystem for the generated embedded Tomcat
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWT modules.
Available parameters:
Additional parameters to append to the module URL. For example, gwt-log
users will set log_level=DEBUG
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noserver (Default: false)
Run without hosted mode server
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
port (Default: 8080)
Port of the HTTP server used when noserver is set
Expression: ${gwt.port}
useGoogleEclipsePlugin (Default: true)
Setup a launch configuration for using the Google Eclipse Plugin. This is
the recommended setup, as the home-made launch configuration has many
limitations. This parameter is only for backward compatibility, the
standard lauch configuration template will be removed in a future release.
Expression: ${use.google.eclipse.plugin}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
Deprecated. use google eclipse plugin
Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWTTestCases.
Available parameters:
Configure batch execution of tests.
Value must be one of none, class or module.
Expression: ${gwt.test.batch}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
Comma separated list of ant-style exclusion patterns for GWT integration
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
htmlunit (Default: FF3)
Configure options to run tests with HTMLUnit. The value must descrivbe the
browser emulation to be used, FF2, FF3, IE6, IE7, or IE8 (possible
multiple values separated by comas).
Expression: ${gwt.test.htmlunit}
includes (Default: **/GwtTest*.java,**/Gwt*Suite.java)
Comma separated list of ant-style inclusion patterns for GWT integration
tests. For example, can be set to **/*GwtTest.java to match all test
class following this naming convention. Surefire plugin may then ne
configured to exclude such tests.
It is recommended to use a TestSuite to run GwtTests, as they require some
huge setup and are very slow. Running inside a suite allow to execute the
setup only once. The default value is defined with this best practice in
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mode (Default: manual)
Configure test mode. Can be set to manual, htmlunit, selenium or
Expression: ${gwt.test.mode}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
out (Default: target/www-test)
output directory for code generated by GWT for tests
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
productionMode (Default: false)
run tests using production mode rather than development (a.k.a. hosted)
Expression: ${gwt.test.prod}
quirksMode (Default: false)
Run each test using an HTML document in quirks mode (rather than standards
Configure options to run tests RemoteWebBrowser. The value must describe
remote web URL, like rmi://myhost/ie8
You must start BrowserManagerServer before running tests with this option
Expression: ${gwt.test.remoteweb}
reportsDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/surefire-reports)
Directory for test reports, defaults to surefire one to match the
surefire-report plugin
Configure options to run tests with Selenium. The value must describe the
Selenium Remote Control target
Expression: ${gwt.test.selenium}
Set this to true to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the maven.test.skip
property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and
compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip}
DEPRECATED This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old
property maven.test.skip.exec. Use -DskipTests instead; its shorter.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip.exec}
Set this to true to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use
is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${skipTests}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${maven.test.failure.ignore}
testOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/www-test)
Location of the file.
testTimeOut (Default: 60)
Time out (in seconds) for test execution in dedicated JVM
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
Specify the user agents to reduce the number of permutations in -prod
mode; e.g. ie6,ie8,safari,gecko1_8,opera
Expression: ${gwt.test.userAgents}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webMode (Default: false)
run tests using web mode rather than developer (a.k.a. hosted) mode
Expression: ${gwt.test.web}
Goal which generate Asyn interface.
Available parameters:
(no description available)
Expression: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}
failOnError (Default: true)
Stop the build on error
Expression: ${maven.gwt.failOnError}
force (Default: false)
Pattern for GWT service interface
Expression: ${generateAsync.force}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
returnRequest (Default: false)
Return a com.google.gwt.http.client.Request on async interface to allow
rpcPattern (Default: {0})
A (MessageFormat) Pattern to get the GWT-RPC servlet URL based on service
interface name. For example to {0}.rpc if you want to map GWT-RPC calls
to *.rpc in web.xml, for example when using Spring dispatch servlet to
handle RPC requests.
Expression: ${gwt.rpcPattern}
servicePattern (Default: **/*Service.java)
Pattern for GWT service interface
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Display help information on vaadin-maven-plugin.
mvn vaadin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=
to display parameter details.
Available parameters:
detail (Default: false)
If true, display all settable properties for each goal.
Expression: ${detail}
The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals
will be displayed.
Expression: ${goal}
indentSize (Default: 2)
The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.
Expression: ${indentSize}
lineLength (Default: 80)
The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.
Expression: ${lineLength}
Creates I18N interfaces for constants and messages files.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
Shortcut for a single i18nConstantsBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n Constants
Shortcut for a single i18nConstantsWithLookupBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n
ConstantsWithLookup interfaces.
Shortcut for a single i18nMessagesBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n Messages
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Merges GWT servlet elements into deployment descriptor (and non GWT servlets
into shell).
If you use scanRemoteServiceRelativePathAnnotation you must bind this mojo to
at least compile phase Because the classpath scanner need to see compile
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mergedWebXml (Default: ${project.build.directory}/web.xml)
Location on filesystem where merged web.xml will be created. The
maven-war-plugin must be configured to use this path as webXml parameter
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
(no description available)
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
scanRemoteServiceRelativePathAnnotation (Default: false)
(no description available)
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Copy GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources in the build
outputDirectory. Alternative to declaring a in the POM with finer
filtering as the module descriptor is read to detect sources to be copied.
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Goal which run a GWT module in the GWT Hosted mode.
Available parameters:
appEngineArtifactId (Default: appengine-java-sdk)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineArtifactId}
appEngineGroupId (Default: com.google.appengine)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineGroupId}
appEngineHome (Default: ${project.build.directory}/appengine-sdk/)
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineHome}
appEngineVersion (Default: 1.3.8)
set the appengine sdk to use
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineVersion}
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Source Tomcat context.xml for GWT shell - copied to
/gwt/localhost/ROOT.xml (used as the context.xml for the SHELL - requires
Tomcat 5.0.x format - hence no default).
copyWebapp (Default: false)
Copies the contents of warSourceDirectory to hostedWebapp.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.copyWebapp=...
Expression: ${gwt.copyWebapp}
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
The MavenProject executed by the compile phase
Expression: ${executedProject}
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noServer (Default: false)
Prevents the embedded GWT Tomcat server from running (even if a port is
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.noserver=...
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
port (Default: 8888)
Runs the embedded GWT server on the specified port.
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode
URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell. For example
When the host page is outside the module public folder (for example, at
webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single in
configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter
can only contain the host page URI.
When the GWT module host page is part of the module public folder, the
runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path
(com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted
according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${runTarget}
Forked process execution timeOut (in seconds). Primary used for
Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement
Expression: ${gwt.server}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
List of System properties to pass when running the hosted mode.
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
tomcat (Default: ${project.build.directory}/tomcat)
Specify the location on the filesystem for the generated embedded Tomcat
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
EXPERIMENTAL: Runs GWT modules with Super Dev Mode.
Available parameters:
Set SuperDevModes bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
The root of the directory tree where the code server will write compiler
output. If not supplied, a temporary directory will be used.
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
The port where the code server will run.
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Install a GWT (home built) SDK in local repository
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Add GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources to project jar.
Alternative to gwt:resources for better Eclipse projects synchronization.
Available parameters:
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference.
finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
Name of the generated JAR.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${jar.finalName}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Deprecated. You must now use the CompileReport, SoycDashboard is not anymore
supported will be removed in 2.1.2
(no description available)
Available parameters:
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
outputDirectory (Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory})
The output directory for the report. Note that this parameter is only
evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line. If the goal
is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory
configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Required: Yes
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.soycReport.skip}
Mimic surefire to run GWTTestCases during integration-test phase, until
SUREFIRE-508 is fixed
Available parameters:
Configure batch execution of tests.
Value must be one of none, class or module.
Expression: ${gwt.test.batch}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
Comma separated list of ant-style exclusion patterns for GWT integration
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
htmlunit (Default: FF3)
Configure options to run tests with HTMLUnit. The value must descrivbe the
browser emulation to be used, FF2, FF3, IE6, IE7, or IE8 (possible
multiple values separated by comas).
Expression: ${gwt.test.htmlunit}
includes (Default: **/GwtTest*.java,**/Gwt*Suite.java)
Comma separated list of ant-style inclusion patterns for GWT integration
tests. For example, can be set to **/*GwtTest.java to match all test
class following this naming convention. Surefire plugin may then ne
configured to exclude such tests.
It is recommended to use a TestSuite to run GwtTests, as they require some
huge setup and are very slow. Running inside a suite allow to execute the
setup only once. The default value is defined with this best practice in
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mode (Default: manual)
Configure test mode. Can be set to manual, htmlunit, selenium or
Expression: ${gwt.test.mode}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
out (Default: target/www-test)
output directory for code generated by GWT for tests
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
productionMode (Default: false)
run tests using production mode rather than development (a.k.a. hosted)
Expression: ${gwt.test.prod}
quirksMode (Default: false)
Run each test using an HTML document in quirks mode (rather than standards
Configure options to run tests RemoteWebBrowser. The value must describe
remote web URL, like rmi://myhost/ie8
You must start BrowserManagerServer before running tests with this option
Expression: ${gwt.test.remoteweb}
reportsDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/surefire-reports)
Directory for test reports, defaults to surefire one to match the
surefire-report plugin
Configure options to run tests with Selenium. The value must describe the
Selenium Remote Control target
Expression: ${gwt.test.selenium}
Set this to true to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the maven.test.skip
property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and
compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip}
DEPRECATED This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old
property maven.test.skip.exec. Use -DskipTests instead; its shorter.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip.exec}
Set this to true to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use
is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${skipTests}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${maven.test.failure.ignore}
testTimeOut (Default: 60)
Time out (in seconds) for test execution in dedicated JVM
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
Specify the user agents to reduce the number of permutations in -prod
mode; e.g. ie6,ie8,safari,gecko1_8,opera
Expression: ${gwt.test.userAgents}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webMode (Default: false)
run tests using web mode rather than developer (a.k.a. hosted) mode
Expression: ${gwt.test.web}
Updates Vaadin themes based on addons containing themes on the classpath. This
goal is linked to phase generate-sources to make sure it is executed before
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single theme. Option to specify a single module from command line
Expression: ${vaadin.theme}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Updates Vaadin widgetsets based on other widgetset packages on the classpath.
It is assumed that the project does not directly contain other GWT modules. In
part adapted from gwt-maven-plugin CompileMojo.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for or option to specify a single
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.727s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Nov 26 14:29:57 MST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/265M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building vangkiem 1.0.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- vaadin-maven-plugin:7.1.8:help (default-cli) @ vangkiem ---
[INFO] com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin:7.1.8
Vaadin Plug-in for Maven
Maven plugin for Vaadin.
This plugin has 22 goals:
(no description available)
Available parameters:
browser (Default: C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe)
Path to the browser executable.
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
server (Default: ie)
Name of the BrowserManagerServer to lauch (typically, ie8)
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Cleanup the webapp directory for GWT module compilation output
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Invokes the GWTCompiler for the project source. See compiler options :
Available parameters:
compileReport (Default: false)
add -compileReport parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.compileReport=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.compileReport}
compilerMetrics (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XcompilerMetrics parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.compilerMetrics}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
disableAggressiveOptimization (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XdisableAggressiveOptimization parameter to the
compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.disableAggressiveOptimization}
disableCastChecking (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables run-time checking of cast operations.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableCastChecking=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableCastChecking}
disableClassMetadata (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables some java.lang.Class methods (e.g. getName()).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableClassMetadata=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableClassMetadata}
disableRunAsync (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: Disables code-splitting.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.disableRunAsync=true.
Expression: ${gwt.disableRunAsync}
draftCompile (Default: false)
Enable faster, but less-optimized, compilations.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.draftCompile=true.
This is equivalent to -Dgwt.compiler.optimizationLevel=0
Expression: ${gwt.draftCompile}
enableAssertions (Default: false)
Whether or not to enable assertions in generated scripts (-ea).
enableClosureCompiler (Default: false)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XenableClosureCompiler parameter to the compiler
command line
Can be set from the command line using
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.enableClosureCompiler}
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
extraParam (Default: false)
add -extra parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraParam=true.
Expression: ${gwt.extraParam}
force (Default: false)
Dont try to detect if GWT compilation is up-to-date and can be skipped.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.force=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.force}
fragmentCount (Default: -1)
EXPERIMENTAL: add -XfragmentCount parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from the command line using -Dgwt.compiler.fragmentCount=n
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.fragmentCount}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
On GWT 1.6+, number of parallel processes used to compile GWT
premutations. Defaults to platform available processors number.
Can be unset from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.localWorkers=n.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.localWorkers}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
optimizationLevel (Default: -1)
add -optimize parameter to the compiler command line the value must be
between 0 and 9 by default -1 so no arg to the compiler
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.optimizationLevel=n.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.optimizationLevel}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.skip}
soycDetailed (Default: false)
add -XsoycDetailed parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.soycDetailed=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.soycDetailed}
strict (Default: false)
add -strict parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.compiler.strict=true.
Expression: ${gwt.compiler.strict}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
treeLogger (Default: false)
Logs output in a graphical tree view.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.treeLogger=true.
Expression: ${gwt.treeLogger}
validateOnly (Default: false)
Validate all source code, but do not compile.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.validateOnly=true.
Expression: ${gwt.validateOnly}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
The temp directory is used for temporary compiled files (defaults is
system temp directory).
Available parameters:
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
outputDirectory (Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory})
The output directory for the report. Note that this parameter is only
evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line. If the goal
is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory
configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Required: Yes
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.compilerReport.skip}
Updates Vaadin themes based on addons containing themes on the classpath.
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single theme. Option to specify a single module from command line
Expression: ${vaadin.theme}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Creates CSS interfaces for css files. Will use the utility tool provided in
gwt sdk which create a corresponding Java interface for accessing the
classnames used in the file.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Shortcut for a single cssFile
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate CSS interfaces.
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Extends the gwt goal and runs the project in the GWT Hosted mode with a
debugger port hook (optionally suspended).
Available parameters:
appEngineArtifactId (Default: appengine-java-sdk)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineArtifactId}
appEngineGroupId (Default: com.google.appengine)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineGroupId}
appEngineHome (Default: ${project.build.directory}/appengine-sdk/)
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineHome}
appEngineVersion (Default: 1.3.8)
set the appengine sdk to use
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineVersion}
attachDebugger (Default: false)
Attach to the debugger application at the specified debugPort.
Expression: ${attachDebugger}
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Source Tomcat context.xml for GWT shell - copied to
/gwt/localhost/ROOT.xml (used as the context.xml for the SHELL - requires
Tomcat 5.0.x format - hence no default).
copyWebapp (Default: false)
Copies the contents of warSourceDirectory to hostedWebapp.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.copyWebapp=...
Expression: ${gwt.copyWebapp}
debugPort (Default: 8000)
Port to listen for debugger connection on.
Expression: ${gwt.debugPort}
debugSuspend (Default: true)
Whether or not to suspend execution until a debugger connects.
Expression: ${gwt.debugSuspend}
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
The MavenProject executed by the compile phase
Expression: ${executedProject}
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noServer (Default: false)
Prevents the embedded GWT Tomcat server from running (even if a port is
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.noserver=...
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
port (Default: 8888)
Runs the embedded GWT server on the specified port.
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode
URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell. For example
When the host page is outside the module public folder (for example, at
webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single
configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter
can only contain the host page URI.
When the GWT module host page is part of the module public folder, the
runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path
(com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted
according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${runTarget}
Forked process execution timeOut (in seconds). Primary used for
Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement
Expression: ${gwt.server}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
List of System properties to pass when running the hosted mode.
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
tomcat (Default: ${project.build.directory}/tomcat)
Specify the location on the filesystem for the generated embedded Tomcat
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWT modules.
Available parameters:
Additional parameters to append to the module URL. For example, gwt-log
users will set log_level=DEBUG
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noserver (Default: false)
Run without hosted mode server
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
port (Default: 8080)
Port of the HTTP server used when noserver is set
Expression: ${gwt.port}
useGoogleEclipsePlugin (Default: true)
Setup a launch configuration for using the Google Eclipse Plugin. This is
the recommended setup, as the home-made launch configuration has many
limitations. This parameter is only for backward compatibility, the
standard lauch configuration template will be removed in a future release.
Expression: ${use.google.eclipse.plugin}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
Deprecated. use google eclipse plugin
Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWTTestCases.
Available parameters:
Configure batch execution of tests.
Value must be one of none, class or module.
Expression: ${gwt.test.batch}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
Comma separated list of ant-style exclusion patterns for GWT integration
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
htmlunit (Default: FF3)
Configure options to run tests with HTMLUnit. The value must descrivbe the
browser emulation to be used, FF2, FF3, IE6, IE7, or IE8 (possible
multiple values separated by comas).
Expression: ${gwt.test.htmlunit}
includes (Default: **/GwtTest*.java,**/Gwt*Suite.java)
Comma separated list of ant-style inclusion patterns for GWT integration
tests. For example, can be set to **/*GwtTest.java to match all test
class following this naming convention. Surefire plugin may then ne
configured to exclude such tests.
It is recommended to use a TestSuite to run GwtTests, as they require some
huge setup and are very slow. Running inside a suite allow to execute the
setup only once. The default value is defined with this best practice in
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mode (Default: manual)
Configure test mode. Can be set to manual, htmlunit, selenium or
Expression: ${gwt.test.mode}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
out (Default: target/www-test)
output directory for code generated by GWT for tests
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
productionMode (Default: false)
run tests using production mode rather than development (a.k.a. hosted)
Expression: ${gwt.test.prod}
quirksMode (Default: false)
Run each test using an HTML document in quirks mode (rather than standards
Configure options to run tests RemoteWebBrowser. The value must describe
remote web URL, like rmi://myhost/ie8
You must start BrowserManagerServer before running tests with this option
Expression: ${gwt.test.remoteweb}
reportsDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/surefire-reports)
Directory for test reports, defaults to surefire one to match the
surefire-report plugin
Configure options to run tests with Selenium. The value must describe the
Selenium Remote Control target
Expression: ${gwt.test.selenium}
Set this to true to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the maven.test.skip
property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and
compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip}
DEPRECATED This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old
property maven.test.skip.exec. Use -DskipTests instead; its shorter.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip.exec}
Set this to true to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use
is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${skipTests}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${maven.test.failure.ignore}
testOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/www-test)
Location of the file.
testTimeOut (Default: 60)
Time out (in seconds) for test execution in dedicated JVM
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
Specify the user agents to reduce the number of permutations in -prod
mode; e.g. ie6,ie8,safari,gecko1_8,opera
Expression: ${gwt.test.userAgents}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webMode (Default: false)
run tests using web mode rather than developer (a.k.a. hosted) mode
Expression: ${gwt.test.web}
Goal which generate Asyn interface.
Available parameters:
(no description available)
Expression: ${project.build.sourceEncoding}
failOnError (Default: true)
Stop the build on error
Expression: ${maven.gwt.failOnError}
force (Default: false)
Pattern for GWT service interface
Expression: ${generateAsync.force}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
returnRequest (Default: false)
Return a com.google.gwt.http.client.Request on async interface to allow
rpcPattern (Default: {0})
A (MessageFormat) Pattern to get the GWT-RPC servlet URL based on service
interface name. For example to {0}.rpc if you want to map GWT-RPC calls
to *.rpc in web.xml, for example when using Spring dispatch servlet to
handle RPC requests.
Expression: ${gwt.rpcPattern}
servicePattern (Default: **/*Service.java)
Pattern for GWT service interface
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Display help information on vaadin-maven-plugin.
mvn vaadin:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=
to display parameter details.
Available parameters:
detail (Default: false)
If true, display all settable properties for each goal.
Expression: ${detail}
The name of the goal for which to show help. If unspecified, all goals
will be displayed.
Expression: ${goal}
indentSize (Default: 2)
The number of spaces per indentation level, should be positive.
Expression: ${indentSize}
lineLength (Default: 80)
The maximum length of a display line, should be positive.
Expression: ${lineLength}
Creates I18N interfaces for constants and messages files.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
Shortcut for a single i18nConstantsBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n Constants
Shortcut for a single i18nConstantsWithLookupBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n
ConstantsWithLookup interfaces.
Shortcut for a single i18nMessagesBundle
List of resourceBundles that should be used to generate i18n Messages
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Merges GWT servlet elements into deployment descriptor (and non GWT servlets
into shell).
If you use scanRemoteServiceRelativePathAnnotation you must bind this mojo to
at least compile phase Because the classpath scanner need to see compile
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mergedWebXml (Default: ${project.build.directory}/web.xml)
Location on filesystem where merged web.xml will be created. The
maven-war-plugin must be configured to use this path as webXml parameter
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
(no description available)
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
scanRemoteServiceRelativePathAnnotation (Default: false)
(no description available)
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Copy GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources in the build
outputDirectory. Alternative to declaring a
filtering as the module descriptor is read to detect sources to be copied.
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Goal which run a GWT module in the GWT Hosted mode.
Available parameters:
appEngineArtifactId (Default: appengine-java-sdk)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineArtifactId}
appEngineGroupId (Default: com.google.appengine)
groupId to download appengine sdk from maven repo
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineGroupId}
appEngineHome (Default: ${project.build.directory}/appengine-sdk/)
Location to find appengine sdk or to unzip downloaded one see
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineHome}
appEngineVersion (Default: 1.3.8)
set the appengine sdk to use
Artifact will be downloaded with groupId : appEngineGroupId and artifactId
Expression: ${gwt.appEngineVersion}
Set GWT shell bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
Set GWT shell protocol/host blacklist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.blacklist=...
Expression: ${gwt.blacklist}
buildOutputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.outputDirectory})
Location of the compiled classes.
Required: Yes
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
Source Tomcat context.xml for GWT shell - copied to
/gwt/localhost/ROOT.xml (used as the context.xml for the SHELL - requires
Tomcat 5.0.x format - hence no default).
copyWebapp (Default: false)
Copies the contents of warSourceDirectory to hostedWebapp.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.copyWebapp=...
Expression: ${gwt.copyWebapp}
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
The MavenProject executed by the compile phase
Expression: ${executedProject}
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
hostedWebapp (Default:
Location of the hosted-mode web application structure.
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
noServer (Default: false)
Prevents the embedded GWT Tomcat server from running (even if a port is
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.noserver=...
Expression: ${gwt.noserver}
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
port (Default: 8888)
Runs the embedded GWT server on the specified port.
List of Pattern jars to exclude from the classPath when running dev mode
URL that should be automatically opened in the GWT shell. For example
When the host page is outside the module public folder (for example, at
webapp root), the module MUST be specified (using a single
configuration or by setting -Dgwt.module=..) and the runTarget parameter
can only contain the host page URI.
When the GWT module host page is part of the module public folder, the
runTarget MAY define the full GWT module path
(com.myapp.gwt.Module/Module.html) that will be automatically converted
according to the rename-to directive into renamed/Module.html.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${runTarget}
Forked process execution timeOut (in seconds). Primary used for
Specifies a different embedded web server to run (must implement
Expression: ${gwt.server}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
List of System properties to pass when running the hosted mode.
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
tomcat (Default: ${project.build.directory}/tomcat)
Specify the location on the filesystem for the generated embedded Tomcat
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webXml (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml)
Source web.xml deployment descriptor that is used for GWT shell and for
deployment WAR to merge servlet entries.
Required: Yes
webXmlServletPathAsIs (Default: false)
Specifies whether or not to add the module name as a prefix to the servlet
path when merging web.xml. If you set this to false the exact path from
the GWT module will be used, nothing else will be prepended.
Set GWT shell protocol/host whitelist.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.whitelist=...
Expression: ${gwt.whitelist}
EXPERIMENTAL: Runs GWT modules with Super Dev Mode.
Available parameters:
Set SuperDevModes bindAddress.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.bindAddress=...
Expression: ${gwt.bindAddress}
The root of the directory tree where the code server will write compiler
output. If not supplied, a temporary directory will be used.
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
The port where the code server will run.
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Install a GWT (home built) SDK in local repository
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Add GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources to project jar.
Alternative to gwt:resources for better Eclipse projects synchronization.
Available parameters:
The archive configuration to use. See Maven Archiver Reference.
finalName (Default: ${project.build.finalName})
Name of the generated JAR.
Required: Yes
Expression: ${jar.finalName}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Deprecated. You must now use the CompileReport, SoycDashboard is not anymore
supported will be removed in 2.1.2
(no description available)
Available parameters:
extra (Default: ${project.build.directory}/extra)
The directory into which extra, non-deployed files will be written.
outputDirectory (Default: ${project.reporting.outputDirectory})
The output directory for the report. Note that this parameter is only
evaluated if the goal is run directly from the command line. If the goal
is run indirectly as part of a site generation, the output directory
configured in the Maven Site Plugin is used instead.
Required: Yes
skip (Default: false)
(no description available)
Expression: ${gwt.soycReport.skip}
Mimic surefire to run GWTTestCases during integration-test phase, until
SUREFIRE-508 is fixed
Available parameters:
Configure batch execution of tests.
Value must be one of none, class or module.
Expression: ${gwt.test.batch}
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
Comma separated list of ant-style exclusion patterns for GWT integration
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
htmlunit (Default: FF3)
Configure options to run tests with HTMLUnit. The value must descrivbe the
browser emulation to be used, FF2, FF3, IE6, IE7, or IE8 (possible
multiple values separated by comas).
Expression: ${gwt.test.htmlunit}
includes (Default: **/GwtTest*.java,**/Gwt*Suite.java)
Comma separated list of ant-style inclusion patterns for GWT integration
tests. For example, can be set to **/*GwtTest.java to match all test
class following this naming convention. Surefire plugin may then ne
configured to exclude such tests.
It is recommended to use a TestSuite to run GwtTests, as they require some
huge setup and are very slow. Running inside a suite allow to execute the
setup only once. The default value is defined with this best practice in
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
mode (Default: manual)
Configure test mode. Can be set to manual, htmlunit, selenium or
Expression: ${gwt.test.mode}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
out (Default: target/www-test)
output directory for code generated by GWT for tests
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
productionMode (Default: false)
run tests using production mode rather than development (a.k.a. hosted)
Expression: ${gwt.test.prod}
quirksMode (Default: false)
Run each test using an HTML document in quirks mode (rather than standards
Configure options to run tests RemoteWebBrowser. The value must describe
remote web URL, like rmi://myhost/ie8
You must start BrowserManagerServer before running tests with this option
Expression: ${gwt.test.remoteweb}
reportsDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/surefire-reports)
Directory for test reports, defaults to surefire one to match the
surefire-report plugin
Configure options to run tests with Selenium. The value must describe the
Selenium Remote Control target
Expression: ${gwt.test.selenium}
Set this to true to bypass unit tests entirely. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, especially if you enable it using the maven.test.skip
property, because maven.test.skip disables both running the tests and
compiling the tests. Consider using the skipTests parameter instead.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip}
DEPRECATED This old parameter is just like skipTests, but bound to the old
property maven.test.skip.exec. Use -DskipTests instead; its shorter.
Expression: ${maven.test.skip.exec}
Set this to true to skip running tests, but still compile them. Its use
is NOT RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${skipTests}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Set this to true to ignore a failure during testing. Its use is NOT
RECOMMENDED, but quite convenient on occasion.
Expression: ${maven.test.failure.ignore}
testTimeOut (Default: 60)
Time out (in seconds) for test execution in dedicated JVM
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
Specify the user agents to reduce the number of permutations in -prod
mode; e.g. ie6,ie8,safari,gecko1_8,opera
Expression: ${gwt.test.userAgents}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
webMode (Default: false)
run tests using web mode rather than developer (a.k.a. hosted) mode
Expression: ${gwt.test.web}
Updates Vaadin themes based on addons containing themes on the classpath. This
goal is linked to phase generate-sources to make sure it is executed before
Available parameters:
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
A single theme. Option to specify a single module from command line
Expression: ${vaadin.theme}
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
Updates Vaadin widgetsets based on other widgetset packages on the classpath.
It is assumed that the project does not directly contain other GWT modules. In
part adapted from gwt-maven-plugin CompileMojo.
Available parameters:
Artifacts to be included as source-jars in GWTCompiler Classpath. Removes
the restriction that source code must be bundled inside of the final JAR
when dealing with external utility libraries not designed exclusivelly for
GWT. The plugin will download the source.jar if necessary. This option is
a workaround to avoid packaging sources inside the same JAR when splitting
and application into modules. A smaller JAR can then be used on server
classpath and distributed without sources (that may not be desirable).
The directory into which deployable but not servable output files will be
written (defaults to WEB-INF/deploy under the webappDirectory
directory/jar, and may be the same as the extra directory/jar)
extraJvmArgs (Default: -Xmx512m)
Extra JVM arguments that are passed to the GWT-Maven generated scripts
(for compiler, shell, etc - typically use -Xmx512m here, or
-XstartOnFirstThread, etc).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.extraJvmArgs=..., defaults to
setting max Heap size to be large enough for most GWT use cases.
Expression: ${gwt.extraJvmArgs}
gen (Default: ${project.build.directory}/.generated)
Location on filesystem where GWT will write generated content for review
(-gen option to GWT Compiler).
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.gen=...
Expression: ${gwt.gen}
generateDirectory (Default:
Folder where generated-source will be created (automatically added to
compile classpath).
Required: Yes
genParam (Default: true)
Whether to add -gen parameter to the compiler command line
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.genParam=false. Defaults to
true for backwards compatibility.
Expression: ${gwt.genParam}
gwtSdkFirstInClasspath (Default: false)
The forked command line will use gwt sdk jars first in classpath. see
issue http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=5290
Expression: ${gwt.gwtSdkFirstInClasspath}
inplace (Default: false)
Select the place where GWT application is built. In inplace mode, the
warSourceDirectory is used to match the same use case of the war:inplace
http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-war-plugin/inplace-mojo.html goal.
Expression: ${gwt.inplace}
Option to specify the jvm (or path to the java executable) to use with the
forking scripts. For the default, the jvm will be the same as the one used
to run Maven.
Expression: ${gwt.jvm}
logLevel (Default: INFO)
GWT logging level (-logLevel ERROR, WARN, INFO, TRACE, DEBUG, SPAM, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.logLevel=...
Expression: ${gwt.logLevel}
A single GWT module. Shortcut for
module from command line
Expression: ${gwt.module}
The project GWT modules. If not set, the plugin will scan the project for
.gwt.xml files.
Whether to use the persistent unit cache or not.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcache=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcache}
The directory where the persistent unit cache will be created if enabled.
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.persistentunitcachedir=...
Expression: ${gwt.persistentunitcachedir}
style (Default: OBF)
GWT JavaScript compiler output style (-style OBF[USCATED], PRETTY, or
Can be set from command line using -Dgwt.style=...
Expression: ${gwt.style}
Forked process execution timeOut. Usefull to avoid maven to hang in
continuous integration server.
warSourceDirectory (Default: ${basedir}/src/main/webapp)
Location of the web application static resources (same as maven-war-plugin
webappDirectory (Default:
Location on filesystem where GWT will write output files (-out option to
Expression: ${gwt.war}
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 5.727s
[INFO] Finished at: Tue Nov 26 14:29:57 MST 2013
[INFO] Final Memory: 6M/265M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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